Possessed, Nasty Savage, Steel Assassin, Mayhem, Hades, Hallow's Eve, Hirax,
Pathfinder, Dark Angel, The Obsessed and Martyr. What do they have in common?
All bands delivered a track for Metal Blades Metal Massacre VI (1985). Is it a
coincidence that they are back in the Metal Blade stable or was it meant to be?
One thing is for sure, this is their best album so far. The 2009 EP 'Fear' was
already o.k., but the band has grown a lot musically.
song writing improved and the production of this album is better too. The album
has an 80's sound but with both feet standing in 2011. The songs sound very
metal and are a mix of Flotsam & Jetsam (modern sound), Lefay, a fast Iron
Maiden and with a Pantera vibe. Sometimes the song has a speed-metal tempo like
for example in "Art of Deception". 80's metal fans will find a lot they will
like on this album; good (sometimes) high pitched vocals, howling solos in very
logical and recognizable written songs. It sounds well-known, without being a
copy or duplicate. The last song is a new recording of the band's most famous
track "Speed of Samurai" (Maiden on speed). After listening to this new album
for the first time I was not convinced immediately, but after a few more spins,
the songs landed.
of Flotsam & Jetsam, Vicious Rumors, Iron Maiden and eighties (speed) metal in
general should give this album a chance.