Already the eighth album of this Italian death combo. All songs have a subject
about ways to die. Nice to know, but the music has to do the talking. On this
new album the band has created a dark combination of black/death with some
symphonic keyboard parts.
Opener "Insomnia" has some fine guitar leads and on "Living Nightmare" the keys
play a key role. "Absence of Faith" sounds more like a mid-tempo doom song with
a gothic touch. "The World Will Die in Flames" is a track with a lot of groove
and the song "Anxiety" stands out because of the female vocal parts. Variety
enough on that part. But, I have my questions about the vocals of Stefan Fiori;
his grunts and screams get a little boring after a while. This album is
nevertheless full of brutal death parts and due to the keyboards they bring a
melodic shade into their music.
nice (melodic) death metal album that will not end in top of the end of the year
list, but is certainly worth listening to.