Sometimes in life, we have to admit things, to each other and to ourselves,
so here it is; I actually really like Nightwish. So there it's out, and I also
really like Dotma. The otherworldly voice of Johanna Lesonen soaring over some
world class music. It's just so beautiful Dammit! You are instantly transported
to vast Icelandic glaciers or Elven forests. One can't help but imagine clear
night skies emblazoned with countless mystic constellations, it fills the heart
with beauty is what I'm saying.
That being said. It does get slightly formulaic
at times, as the band seems almost reluctant to take too many risks,
hopefully as a result of playing it safe on account of this being the debut
album of the Finish band. But the intent is there, and there are a couple
of interesting uses of vocal mixing, that lends an eerie sound to the
experience, especially noticeable on the track "Kingdom of the Sky".