Macho attitude, well pumped and full
arms and a big love to the 80's party rock 'n' roll with influences of Mötley Crüe,
W.A.S.P and
the other glam rockers with lyrics in the lightweight and easy listening division. That
was my first
impression of the album 'Tip of the Tongue' from Danish rocker Dennis
Develin. It's heavier than pure glam rock and Dennis' voice got parables with UDO (Accept), but he got more rasp and is rougher in the vocal chords.
with his companions Jonas Roxx and Tommy Hansen, Dennis has made a classic rock
piece that surprise me with some lead hard tracks with hard guitar riffs and
heavy drums. Not technically challenging, but liberating with straight, simple and entertaining party rock for old and young metal heads. 'All You Got' is a live
favourite already in my ears, with easy to learn and catchy choruses and in the
capitaving track 'A Backseat Fighter' Dennis does get loose and my feet got
problems to remain still. You will get just over an half hour debonair and careless rock music and some
air guitar tempting parts to enjoy with your party brothers, specially in the above
mentioned songs and in 'Can't Die Fast Enough' and 'Birds of Fire'. The track
that stands out a bit on the albums is 'Afraid', which is a melodic track with a
nice guitar solo and with more of adult vibes for a change.
For me Mr Develin and c/o was a new
acquaintance and it was a a positive session and I really hope that fans of
testosterone-fueled rock 'n' roll will buy this record from this Danish dynamite
man. . . .