we didn't receive this album earlier I don't know, but when it finally arrived,
I couldn't let this one pass. Even more so because I already had read the first
positive reviews of the new album in some magazines. My curiosity was born and
now I can judge it for myself.
first track smashed me out of the chair. A heavy and aggressive song that sets
the standard for what's next. The vocals are super aggressive and angry
sounding, but understandable. The music has a Slayer reference in it. Next track
"Clockwork" is a little less aggressive, but has a nice refrain. Since the last
release there have been some changes in the line up; three members have left and
the same number of new members was added. I must admit that it is very keen that
the remaining members Rob Arnold and Matt Devries (no family as far as I know)
wrote such well arranged songs. During "Time is Running Out" I have to think of
Machine Head several times. Besides the aggressive vocals, the clean ones are
used in several songs too. The songs are packed with fast guitar parts and tempo
changes. The slowdown part in "Year of the Snake" makes this song really heavy
and so you can find something surprising in most of the tracks.
slowest and most soft song is "Beyond the Grave" - it sounds very modern and the
clean singing fits the song. "Born in Blood" is again a real thrash grenade,
with fast guitar work and aggressive vocals. The variety between the several
songs keeps this album very interesting. With every song I was on the ball
again. This sixth album will make Chimaira even more popular if you ask me. It
is a very variable album, where modern metal, thrash, death, metal core and
ambient pieces go hand in hand. If you can't find anything you like in this
album, you are probably reading the wrong site!