saw this guys playing at Dokk'em Open Air last year and I have to admit that
they gave a good show. Due to financial choices one must make, I missed the
album release party as opener for In Extremo in Bolwerk, Sneek. I chose for
Thrash Fest Classics in Romein instead. At last summer's gig you could feel the
member' pleasure in playing and the dedication to what they are doing. It is not
always easy to make the music sound interesting on CD also. You only have the
songs left without the show and that is an other cup of coffee.
band hails from Frisia (The Netherlands), but they use Norwegian song titles.
The usual stuff you can expect from a Viking/Folk metal band can also be heard
on this album. Harsh singing combined with clean ones and with gang shouting in
the choruses. Folky melodic elements; spoken parts; good riffs; nice keyboard
arrangements; flutes; polka rhythms; the band has it all. Heidevolk is the most
known folk band hailing from the Low Land, but I am almost certain that Baldrs
Draumar will finish second (soon). The songs have Norwegian titles, but have
English lyrics which tell the story about the person Baldur.
that are into Finntroll and bands playing the same kind of style will have
pleasure with this record.