Some hurried to burry the MC-format. I believe that its revival began from Belgium. The French label Inferno Records decided to make this step in the form of EPs. Let’s sink into the old times…
The main inspirations of AXECUTER are VENOM, VENOM and VENOM. The Brazilians swear that will defend the values of the old-school metal and offer us the eponymous of this mini-release song and the eponymous of the band song as their program. The stabile VENOM-charge is full of more raven’s vocals, stronger guitar presence and more familiar and typical for heavy metal riffs. The third song from this release is a little bit more in middle tempo and could be compared to CELTIC FROST if we leave aside the 90% VENOM.
The Brazilian trio is founded in 2010 from musicians who are not new to the metal scene. They have been in this gender for long years. There is a statement that one of the tracks is born in 2001 and now faces its second life. While preparing their full length debut Danmented, T. Basstard and Baphometal swear that they will never betray this gender!