Rising is SURELY the best thing to come out of Ireland since..... well, since
ANYTHING. This is how the info sheet starts. The record company puts the bar
very high for this young band and with such words my expectations are sky high
off course. The band is influenced by Pantera, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth
and Parkway Drive. Bands with different styles and not easy to combine if you
ask me, but maybe ........ they can?!
song "Who I Am" sets off and the first thing that strikes me is the production,
what a crap one; most of the demos I still have from back in the eighties sound
even better. A dull sound with too much low (bass). Listen for example to the
drums, did a deaf person do the mix? The false vocals of Noel are a bad copy of
James Hetfield (and he isn't a good singer). The timing of Noel is even worse
than that of my ex-wife, singing lessons might help out there. The songs are
loose sand, they sometimes jump from one tempo into another without making any
sense. Just listen to the song "War" and you will understand. Isn't there
anything good about this album then? Well, there are some good ideas and the
riffs ("Tyrant") are heavy and you can hear the members enthusiasm, but that is
far from enough.
Fortunately for the members they are all very young and that gives them the time
to go back in the rehearsal room to write better songs and maybe try again in a
few years.