play metal core nowadays isn't easy. Not that you need to study at the academy
of music to be able to play the style, but more because as a band you must feel
like a needle in a haystack. What is needed to stick out? What helps besides a
good label, is touring with some well known bands and that is what Anterior did
after the release of 'The Age of Silence'. They joined the stage with The Black
Dahlia Murder, Devildriver, Himsa, Dragonforce, Dying Fetus, All That Remains,
The Haunted, Malefice and Children of Bodom. After that you have to surprise the
world with a second first class album to convince the metal core fans you still
haven't won.
"Echoes of the Fallen" has to do that and I am not really convinced if this is
the album that will make it happen? The songs on the album are all good melodic
metal core tracks, no doubt about that. They are well played, are full of good
thrash riffs and have some very outstanding melodic guitar solos. The tracks
make you want to bang your head to and that is always an important point (if you
are not bald like me). Why don't they convince me completely? For a part that is
because the vocals of Luke Davies are too average, they sound a bit too standard
metal core like. Another thing is that the music sounds very similar to Unearth.
Which isn't bad of course because they are one of the better bands in the genre,
but there is already a band called Unearth and do we need another one?
think you should find out the answer to that yourself. This is certainly a good
album, but it is again an album full of average metal core. Perhaps it is time
for me not to review bands out of this genre for a while, just to become hungry
again. At the moment I am a bit pleased. It wouldn't be fair though to let
Anterior be the victim of that.