Should I be worried when the sticker on the
cover of this demo goes 'Warning: The consumption of alcohol has proven to
increase the overall quality of this music.'? Mind you, I don't touch alcohol.
The whole basis for me liking this Norwegian party thrash band seems to erode.
Well, not quite. From the outset I like what the two Norwegian thrashers are
doing. This is thrash as we knew it back in the day, and it is decidedly
I'm holding back the enthusiasm in terms of rating, you'll have noticed. Yes.
That's right. You see, the demo I have here beside me isn't much of a departure
from the other demo that lays right next to it. That was the first demo CD the
band sent me a couple of years ago. I really don't hear much of a difference.
True to their style you might say. Yeah, or just caught in the treadmill?
I need to be impressed more, that's all. I have a feeling that this band could
be a ball live, but that notion is still to be proved wrong or right.