No, this is not Subway To Sally. It's not Saltatio
Mortis either. Nor are they Tanzwut. But Nachtgeschrei are most certainly
related to aforementioned German medieval rock/metal outfits, and they're in no
way a bad replacement if you should grow tired of those bands, but not the style.
'Ardeo' is a rock solid release and could easily be approached by any fan of
Subway To Sally or Saltatio Mortis. Actually, if a comparison on quality has to
be made, I like this better that Saltatio Mortis. Nachtgeschrei just has that
inch more substance, methinks.
If you're a fan of the genre, you won't be surprised by what you hear, but you
will most surely enjoy to quality of the sound and solid song writing.
Mediaval metal/rock the way it's supposed to sound. Period.