Some might remember this band called Moritz from way long ago. They provided their audience with with melodic rock music about 24 years ago and have now reformed and released a brand new album called ‘Undivided’.
We get 12 songs and some of them have been 24 years on their way and some of them are brand new. ‘Undivided’ is in the same vein as such bands as; Survivor, Night Ranger and so on, and will probably not gain them many fans from the metal community but AOR and melodic rock fans should at least check this album out ‘cause most of the songs are more than okay in a light hearted way.
There are no real surprises on this release, however there are some tasty leads and riffs to be found here and there. Just take a listen to the title track that contains a splendid riff that very well could have been written by Toto.
‘Undivided’ could be a must buy for fans of 80’s rock music but the rest of you should take a listen before you buy.