Black metal come in two broad categories: The melodic and
the non-melodic variants. This is a prime example of the former. Actually it
almost overrides the concept, as it utilizes every single tool in the melodic
black metal toolbox.
In the Absence of Light (IAL) contains extensive use of
synth and samples, and blends the traditional black with a healthy dose of doom
and goth metal. Aforementioned samples are of the extremely cliche-based sort:
wolf howls, enigmatic occult gibberish, church bells, the works.
If this album was not put together so delightfully well, it
would be ridiculous – like a mixture of early Moonspell and equally early Cradle
of Filth.
But it really is put together delightfully well, with a
superior flair for melody. With measures of soft almost symphonic pieces
perfectly attuned to the measure of noisy guitar riffs and liberally used
The best part though, is that lead singer Sorceron (the
only original member of the band) can actually sing and growl very well – unlike
80% of melodic black metal vocalists who scream like little girls on speed.