Some bands are lucky: they manage to gather a broad audience, while more discrete ensembles remain unnoticed.
Last year at the Summer Breeze in Germany, I got to chat with several people who shared their personal recommendations with me, which was great, as some bands' name are on everybody's lips without one being familiar with their music. Endstille was one of them, although they've been in the game since 2000.
Verführer is to me something of a musical bric-a-brac. I can see the "charm" to some extent, but for the most I find their set-up of rough elements sounding simple, fortuitly mechanical and uninspiring.
When this is said, Endstille is a professional annihilating machine; I just can' get to tell myself they are unique or recognizable.
A bombastic record that should belong home at many heavy drinking parties.