Huh, this is one of those CD’s that is hard to review because there’s something about that I genuinely like, but in the long run, it’s not really working.
Godflesh comes to mind when listening to this blend of electronic music and extreme metal, and for those of you who might remember said pioneers, this comparison borders for quality. The Philadelphia based trio has, methinks, more than a few interesting and cool ideas, all draped in a dark expression that makes it very metal.
The extremity is definitely there, the speed too, then what holds me back? Well, I think it comes down to the fact that the programmed drums get to me after a while and that Genghis Tron in more than one instant let the whole thing stand still with the engine running for far too long. It’s probably meant to be inciting and beautiful, but for me, it has the opposite effect: get on with it, for f*ck’s f*ck.
Partly recommended. If for nothing else, then to broaden your mind.