This is my first encounter with Frosthardr, and with this, their second EP entitled ‘Varg’ they seem to be a rising black metal band from Norway. At first listen they sound typically Norwegian with a definite Satyricon black’n’roll over them, though without the modern, trendsetting cast. It’s a quite enjoyable mix of lycanthropic trash metal, which to be honest has been heard many times before, but the three songs on this EP are actually very nice! I may be biased by my love for certain kinds of unpolished black metal, Kvist for example, but this is high standards for a somewhat new band.
I would say that the overall musicianship is standard, as well as the typical black metal vocals but Frosthardr has atmosphere and nerve enough to rise above mediocrity.
There’s not much more to say about only three songs, other than one major annoyance I had in the middle of the third song. Please, Jokull of Frosthadr, don’t try to growl, or get someone who doesn’t sound like Chewbacca to ‘sing’. It’s not working out, for me at least, so stick with the black metal vocals.
Overall impression is good though, so help this band out by buying their cd!