August 4th 2006
Label: American
Distribution: Warner
Music Denmark
Website: www.slayer.net
Style: Thrash
See below
Reviewed by: See
Date: August
22nd 2006
is the album I’ve been needing from Slayer. Admittedly, it’s
for the most part a step 15 years back in time, and, yes, it lends
a lot to the sound of ‘Seasons in the Abyss’. But that is
exactly the point; isn’t that album the epitome of the Slayer
sound and greatness? The warm yet unrelenting fury of the riffs,
the mixture of the merciless speed and provocation of ‘Reign in
Blood’ and the mid-tempo coldness that ‘South of Heaven’
held within its cynic womb, the little details that tells you that
it is Lombardo behind the kit, and finally a Tom Araya that sounds
more like himself again than he has done for years. Pushed aside
are now the three albums that had an overweight of fillers than
actual hits, no sign of the unfortunate ‘Undisputed Attitude’,
now there is an album that through and through holds all the
Slayer qualities.
Illusion’ is more relaxed, rests more comfortably in its obvious
and calculated provocation of the religious segments of the
American society than the past four releases, and it suits Slayer.
from the last track on the CD, Supremist, Slayer presents nothing
new. Said track holds a riff that doesn’t sound Slayer, but
rather like a copy of something else that I can’t quite put the
finger on. It matters not; after just a few spins, I’ve come to
love this album to bits.
Nielsen - 90/100
"Decade of Aggression" marks the pinnacle of
Slayer's career in my book, this live album captures the pure
aggression and speed of "Reign in Blood", the awesome
mid-tempo and groove from "South of Heaven" and the
maturity and coolness of "Seasons in the Abyss" as well as
the intensity of their first 2 albums.
15 years has passed since and Slayer has finally taken a step back in
time, and has created an album that easily could be the follow up to
"Seasons in the Abyss". "Christ Illusion" is
the album fans have hoped one of the 3 studio albums they released
from 1994 to 2001 had been. Good old-school intense and tight thrash
metal, it sounds and smells like Slayer and captures the high energy
level of
earlier days, something none of its 3 predecessors managed to do.
The guitar leads still sound awful, but the guitar riffs are killer sharp,
the vocals from Tom is back to it's old self and the return of drum
God Dave Lombardo is just what puts this album over the edge. The
songs still sounds fresh after numerous spins, and Kerry King and
Jeff Hanneman have written a bunch of controversial and provoking
lyrics as expected.
The return of Dave Lombardo can only be described as a great success, and
I do believe Slayer has moved in the right direction with this
awesome piece of metal. Which I am sure a lot of Slayer will agree
Good one!
Kenn Jensen - 88/100
– Being a huge fan of Slayer since the release of their debut album “Show
No Mercy” I was of course thrilled when this brand new release
called “Christ Illusion” was
released. With super-drummer Dave Lombardo back in the band my
expectations were very
high and my hands very almost trembling when I first threw it in my
one listen I had mixed feelings about it but already after 2 spins I
was hooked. Most
of the songs are fast and aggressive and they are all - except for
one - first class Slayer
Only “Catatonic” is not above average in my humble opinion.
Somehow this track
won’t get to me…but the rest is great. Especially
“Consfearacy” is superb. It has already grown
to be one of my favourite Slayer
tracks. I just love everything about it, the drums, the
guitar riffs, the vocals, the melody - just everything.
wise “Christ Illusion” reminds me of “Seasons In The Abyss”,
“Divine Intervention” and a
tad of “God Hates Us All”. I do not see the point in writing a
very long a very boring review of this album… no, and to me this
is the best Slayer album
since “Seasons In The Abyss” and if you’re a fan of Slayer
or Thrash
Metal in general and haven’t purchased this album yet… I think
you should run down to the
local record store and discover this release for your self.
Buy :)
Peter Laursen - 92/100