Speak of the Dead

Release date: March 24th 2006
Label: Nuclear Blast

Distribution: VME (Denmark)

Heavy / Power Metal

Rating: 65/100
Reviewed by: Jørgen Ditlev

Date: March 29th 2006

After last years 20th anniversary Peavy Wagner and his men are back with a brand new album.  

“Speak of the Dead” are split into two parts, the first part is the “Suite Lingua Mortis” (the first eight tracks of the album) all recorded with The Symphonic Orchestra of Minsk. The second half of “Speak of the Dead” are traditional Rage stuff.  

The “Suite Lingua Mortis” cast shadows back to albums such as “Lingua Mortis”, “XIII” and “Ghosts”, and the eight songs hold the same high standard as those legendary albums.

But on the second half of the album there are only two tracks that hold the usually so high Rage standard, the first one “Soul Survivor” sometimes draw parallels back to “Reflections of a Shadow”, and the second one “Speak of the Dead” sounds more like a typical Rage song from The “Unity” and “Soundchaser” era.

The other five songs just sound like they were made so Victor Smolski and Mike Terrana can show how great musicians they are.  

Hopefully Rage will find their direction soon again.  

Recommended tracks: First part of the CD.