The Winter Wake

Release date: January 27th 2006
Label: AFM Records
Target (Denmark)
Website: www.elvenking.net

Power Folk Metal

Rating: 40/100
Reviewed by: Jørgen Ditlev
Date: January 17th 2006

Elvenking is from Treviso in Italy they were formed back in 1997, and they have released two albums before this one “Heathenreel” in 2001 & “Wyrd” in 2004.

The music on “The Winter Wake” is like a mixture of Blind Guardian, Falconer and Skyclad - power folk metal or whatever you will call it.

There is a few great tracks on “The Winters Wake” like “Swallowtail”, “March of Fools” and “Neverending Nights”, but who wants to buy a CD with only 3 great tunes?

The rest of the album simply doesn’t do it for me it sounds uninteresting and boring. Buy the albums with the above-mentioned bands, don’t waste your money on this one.

Enough said.