1. The band has been around for about 12 years, what happened in the period between your second and your third album?
Chaz: During the tour for "Theater Of War" Jacobs Dream began performing shows with my original band Biogenesis. This is how I came to know the guys back in 2002. At some point original front man David Taylor suddenly decided that he wanted to concentrate on family and suddenly left the band. The guys began searching for his replacement but after about two years the band remained without a new vocalist. I remember thinking "I wonder who is going to replace Taylor?" In a sudden twist of irony, the guys contacted me and asked me to come in for an audition. I joined the band and performed my live debut in less than a month.
2. I must confess that I like your first two records more than your last one 'Dominion of Darkness'. I think you will not agree with that, can you convince me I'm mistaken?
Chaz: There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their favourites. The thing that I love about this band is that we have never made the same album twice and I am really proud of that. There are things that I love about every album. I really prefer to enjoy them individually rather than attempt to compare them in a competitive way.
3. After David, you joined the band as the new singer, can you tell us how the band applied you and in what other bands you played before?
Chaz: When I joined in 2004 the guys told me to just be myself. The David Taylor era was well loved but it was over. It was time to move on and begin anew. The guys wanted and needed a fresh start. My first album with the band 'Drama Of The Ages' was seen by the guys as a resurrection of Jacobs Dream. When it comes to the Chaz era of Jacobs Dream, I am free to be myself and that is exactly what I do.
As I stated before I first became known to the Metal world after my original band Biogenesis released it's debut album 'The Mark Bleeds Through' in 2001. We had some decent underground success but we were not as well known as Jacobs Dream. Biogenesis split up in 2005 never recording a second album. Just this past summer I reunited with Biogenesis and we have a new album coming out next year that will be called 'Point Of Origin'. We are now label mates with Jacobs Dream as well.
4. Is there still contact with David?
Chaz: David is more like a family member than a friend to the guys in the band. He and I are also really good friends. In fact my wife and I just spent some time with him and his family not to long ago. From time to time he even joins me on stage for a duet every now and then.
5. David has a very high range and sings higher than you, did you have to change your style to fit in the band or is this just your natural voice.
Chaz: When I perform songs from the Taylor era live I just sing the same notes but in a different key. It is basically no different than a guitar player tuning down a step or two and playing the same song that was once tuned higher.
6. Can you tell us who are in the band at the moment?
Chaz: We have held on strong with the exact same line up now for three consecutive albums and we plan to keep that going as long as we can. That is something that we are very proud of. We still have Gary Holtzman on Drums. We still have John Berry and Jon Noble on guitars as well as James Evans on Bass and myself on Vocals. It is the only line up I have ever been a part of to date.
7. You are busy finishing your new record 'Beneath the Shadows', can we expect any style-changes or new things?
Chaz: Basically this will be the most emotion filled album to date. I can say that it will be a darker album due to the lyrical content. The fans will get a heavy dose of John Berry's signature "guitar Synth". The last album 'Dominion Of Darkness' was more of a guitar driven album. 'Beneath The Shadows' is filled with keyboards, guitar synth, acoustic moments and more. It will be an emotional journey that most will not soon forget.
8. Tell us the interesting things we should know about the new album!
Chaz: 'Beneath The Shadows' is a concept story line about a single character who finds himself knee deep in a life of selling and using drugs. Along the way he loses his family and everything he loves and this sends him on an emotional roller coaster that causes him to search beyond himself for answers. I can't say much beyond that. I don't want to spoil it.
9. When will it be released in Europe?
Chaz: The album will be released World Wide on November 10th 2009 though 'Retroactive records'. Our label is taking Pre-Orders as we speak at www.retroactiverecords.net
10. Who is responsible for the song writing and lyrics?
Chaz: Most of the Time John Berry begins the structure of most of the songs and the other guys including myself usually come along and add things as we go along. Usually John and I split the lyrics, however on the new album I wrote about 95% of the lyrics only because the story was my creation.
11. How important are the lyrics for the band Jacobs Dream, you are a religious band, but I don't think you want to be a second Stryper are you?
Chaz: I don't see us that way at all. I just see us as five guys who happened to be Christians. What we write about at times does indeed reflect that but not always. That being said, our lyrics are very important to us however we don�t see ourselves as a 'religious' band. What we write about is simply our right to express our thoughts. It is no different than Iced Earth or anyone one else who has something to say. Simply put, we are a Metal band and we too have something to say.
12. I know the story about the ladder, but there are a lot more stories and dreams in the bible, why Jacobs Dream?
Chaz: Honestly there is nothing special about it really. In the past the band went by the name Iron Angel. After learning that another band was already using the name the guys threw out a handful of ideas and Jacobs Dream was the one they settled on.
13. Is it financially still possible for Jacobs Dream to go on tour?
Chaz: It is indeed always a possibility for us to tour. The main issue for us is that we all have families and it is very difficult to make a living in this business unless you are a top 40 artist or maybe Iron Maiden. Under the right circumstances however, it is definitely possible.
14. I don't hope it will happen, but imagine that you will go to heaven soon, what 5 records would you take with you (if this would be possible)?
Chaz: Wow that would be a difficult decision. I guess that I will go with 'Beneath The Shadows' by Jacobs Dream, 'The Glorious Burden' by Iced Earth, 'River Disturbance' by Deliverance, 'Recreation Day' by Evergrey and 'Point Of Origin' by Biogenesis.
15. You can choose only one and you have to tell also why!
1. David or Chaz? I am proud of both eras.
2. Heaven or Hell? Heaven
3. Bush or Obama? Obama I think. We shall see.
4. Blind or Deaf? That's pretty tough but I would have to go with deaf.
5. 666 or 777? 777. Seven is my lucky number.
16. Is there anything else you want to tell our readers about?
Chaz: Just a big thank you to our awesome fans all over the World. You guys and girls are the best and we love you!
Thanks for answering the questions and good luck!
No problem and thank you!